Wow... K where the heck did summer go?
It flew by so fast! Is was a great summer though!
Tons of swimming + lots of laughs with my kids + unforgettable memories.... and of course lots of babies in front of my camera... = amazing summer!
I am so thankful for everyone who has let me capture their sweet babies, it means so much to me that you have trusted me to capture those fleeting moments.
Also, Can I just say I LOVE southern Utah...
Everyone has been so welcoming to us, we love living here!!
Back to the CrAzInEsS...
Well my photoshop decided to stop working a few weeks ago... A non-functioning Photoshop is a digital photographers nightmare... and my nightmare came true. Happy to say that after countless hours on the phone with people who barely speak English, I am back up and running. {So sorry to the family I kept waiting on announcements}
And of course BACK to SCHOOL...
it seems like the first week of school is always hectic, but having a child that has some pretty severe Anxiety is so hard. My heart breaks for my girl everyday, I watch her {try to} cope with her anxiety and panic attacks every morning before school, I want to take away her pain, but I can't.... and that is so hard. I am thankful to supportive teachers who actually understand what severe anxiety does to a child.
My child was a victim of bullying for more than 2 years, she is scarred on the inside.. I am afraid forever. Parents- please stay on top of your school's bully prevention program, make sure they are following through with appropriate lessons, and that there are "real" consequences for bullying.
Back to Business..
I am going to try to spend the week updating my new blog with my new email address, links, prices and all that good stuff. I am still using the old email, sorry if you haven't heard from me in the last week, again.. life has been crazy. I will respond to all your emails within the next 24 hours. :)
Watch for fun, new posts coming soon!